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Erin & Andy

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Working for 40 years just to maybe end up getting the "reward" of living off 40% of your what your earnings use to be is no longer "normal"


We want to show you how to break free of this thinking from the 19-whatever's and move into the 2020's were many people have side-hustles. And why do we do this? Because working 40 years at one job is no longer really a thing for the majority of us. The average person will have 12 "careers" by the time they are 48 (google it, and be stunned). The future generations are expected to have even more!


We started this journey with the idea of taking what we have learned together and helping others, and we still have that passion. We want you to have your best life, and live it for you. If you bring people up along the way too: amazing!


Pull up a chair, drop us a line, and start becoming Elite.


Business Coaching


Getting into some of these can have quite the learning curve, especially when you go it alone. With "Coach's" Erin & Andy We can help speed that up, and make it fun. We enjoy the heck out of helping others achieve more, and do it without falling into the many pitfalls that can be encountered out there. For example: Setting up a website does not need to cost 10's of thousands; it can be a few hundred to do it yourself, or just a couple thousand at most if you hire someone; but watch out! there are many "sharks" who know very little who will tell you they are experts....well, many are "dabblers" at best. We can help you identify some of these sharks.

Social Media Coaching


Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and pretty much all social media; we are available to use our combined 20+ years of experiences to coach you on using these platforms for fun, or business. The sky can literally be the limit for many people who jump on to social media for themselves or their professional venture.


With us, you can start out on a social media platform for the first time, or revamp one that you already have. One of the basic things we can do is an audit of your page/account and give you feedback about what looks like it is working, and what may be holding you back. This audit report can then help you move forward, or decide what else you want us to do.


We can even be hired to run a page/account for you to get you started, while we teach you how to successfully take it over and run it.


Podcast Coaching


Podcasting is 100000% fun; we know it too well. Working together on our episodes is one of the things we look forward to the most each week or two.


After a over year of podcasting, we definitely can help you navigate starting one of these bad-boys up from just a single room in your house. You know why? Because that is exactly what we did.


Setting yourself up, we can help you with deciding what equipment will be a good starting point, to the software that we have have tried and recommend. Even looking for outside help with things, like editing. Coach's Erin & Andy got you, and will show how to avoid some of the pitfalls of starting out, up to getting your podcast published on a popular podcast site (like Apple, Spotify, Amazon, and more).


We have such a passion for this, you wont be able to help but get excited with us.

Website Helper

Copy of Jan 24 EYHO

Not everyone is looking to pay $10,000 to get a website built right from the gates, or even ever. Our first web-designer left us feeling like we threw money into peanut butter and gave it to the dog. We were left with a non-useable website on the day we wanted to launch. Luckily we got someone to save us in the last minute and had our site re-built in 2 days. 


If you want to avoid something like that, and not spend a small fortune in the process; click the link above to get in touch with "our guy" and see what they can do for you. 

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